Task scheduler project not starting V12.42.3048 WIndows 10
Sorry the "Enable support for testing Windows Store applications" under |Tools/Options/Engines seems to have become selected. I unselected this option and it now works.
I run scheduled projects using Task Scheduler.
I have recently upgraded my TC version to 12.42.3048.
Ever since then task scheduler has been unable to even start Test Complete, even when creating a new Task Scheduler task.
Error message from attempted run:
Task Scheduler failed to launch action "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 12\Bin\TestComplete.exe" in instance "{ba259b6a-f703-40f7-a9f5-ea51c6de6c1d}" of task "\TestComplete_Overnight_QA_Project". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943140.
Has anyone encountered this before? I have not seen any issues searching the community.
I cannot even get TC to start creating a new task which seems a bit strange.
Many thanks.