Forum Discussion
Under Tools | Current Project Properties | Project | Open Applications | Process Filter make sure the setting there is indicated to at least not exclude that process.
I have cross checked and verified that the process is not excluded.
Karthik K R
- krkarthik_info7 years agoFrequent Contributor
Somehow I got the process listed in the object browser as Process("rundll32"). But I am facing another issue that I tried to click on the buttons in that dialog either Click on Yes or No. During runtime, testcomplete performs click on the buttons, but the dialog still remains active. Expected is on Clicking No the dialog will disappear. But in this case, the dialog remains active still on clicking on the No button.
On doing the same thing manually, the dialog disappears.
FullName of the dialog button is as below:
Sys.Process("rundll32").Window("#32770", "ApplicationDialogName", 1).Window("Button", "&No", 1)
Any suggestions?
Thank in advance.
Karthik K R
Is there anything in the test log? I am expecting an 'ambiguous recognition' warning because there are a lot of rundll32 processes running in every system and your code seems does not precisely specify required one.
This may result in an attempt to 'click' the button on the invisible dialog of some other rundll32 process.