struggling with High maintenance cost due to UI changes
Hello all:
We are having some major changes in a web application due to accessibility regulations in Canada.
Every release is coming with changes in the UI elements or panels.
This is resulting in high maintenance efforts for our automated testing suite.
Any idea , how to minimize such maintenance?
looks like XPath is not working for us.
Thanks in advance!
Does the changes
- are no predictible at all ?
- are ui functional only ?
- are technical (name/type of field) also ?
These kind of change are always costly but you can optimize with some script logic.
I give you my way.
- Create one object/method by screen page.
- Input of each of these methods is a string of triplets; name of field:type of field=value or with a bi dimensional array.
- On your method do a loop on these values and for each element you know the name and type of the field to modify and the target value. So you can make a switch on the type for doing the correct action.
- You can also just make a switch on the name of the field, so UI changes is just adding the field in the switch.
Example for last option:
// *** PAGE IDENTIFICATION CONDUCTEUR *** /* Edit: Code postal zipCode Nom cardholderSurname Prénom cardholderFirstName Numéro immatriculation plateNumber Numéro série vehicleSerialNumber Select: Civilité title Pays country Case à cocher: Titulaire carte grise isContractor, isDriver, isOther Loi Hamon hasContractWithOtherInsurer */ saisieIdentificationConducteur:function(Data) { let trace = this.methodStart("saisieIdentificationConducteur(" + Data + " ) - Saisie du formulaire Identification conducteur du contrat"); try { let container = qa.system.findIt(Sys.Browser("*").Page("*"), "ObjectIdentifier", "policyVehicleForm", qa.system.time.longer, 15, true, true); let recherche = Data.split(";"); let fields; for (let i = 0; i < recherche.length; i++) { if (recherche[i] != "") { fields = recherche[i].split("="); switch (fields[0]) { case "souscripteurHamon" : if (fields[1] == "oui") qa.web.findItWeb("id", "hasContractWithOtherInsurer", "INPUT")[0].Click(); break; case "titulaire" : switch (fields[1]) { case "conducteur" : qa.web.findItWeb("id", "isDriver", "INPUT")[0].Click(); break; case "souscripteur" : qa.web.findItWeb("id", "isContractor", "INPUT")[0].Click(); break; case "autre" : qa.web.findItWeb("id", "isOther", "INPUT")[0].Click(); break; } break; case "plateNumber" : case "vehicleSerialNumber" : case "cardholderSurname" : case "cardholderFirstName" : case "zipCode" : qa.system.findIt(container, "ObjectIdentifier", fields[0], 0, 10, true, true).Keys(fields[1] + "[Tab]"); break; case "title" : case "country" : qa.web.selectValueInHTMLCombo(fields[0], fields[1]); break; default : throw Error("Saisie identification conducteur, champ '" + fields[0] + "' non géré/incorrect !"); } } } this.etapeSuivante(); } catch(e) { errorString = qa.system.logExceptionByLevel(e, trace); } finally { return this.methodStop(true); } },