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richie's avatar
Community Hero
8 years ago

Struggling to add a MIMER JDBC DB Driver To SoapUI



I'm using ReadyAPI! (SoapUI) and the database I am publishing a message to is a MIMER database (no I hadn't heard of a MIMER database either - apparently it's a relational model thats been around for 25years!


With this in mind I'm attempting to add in the .jar file and configure the JDBC connection settings but I'm not having any luck.


I'm hoping someone can help.


I got the supporting info from

Anyway - I downloaded the .zip file that contains the .jar file


I then copied the .jar file (mimjdbc3.jar) to 


C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\lib

The website indicates the connection string format and the driver name


Connection string format 

jdbc:mimer:[//[user[:password]@]host[:port]] [/database]


Driver name 



I went to the Global Preferences (JDBC) and clicked on the add button.


I then specified the driver name = 


and the connection string


jdbc:mimer:[//[user[:password]@]host[:port]] [/database]



HOWEVER - when I clicked on the 'Load driver values from an external file' button (which I was then going to point to the .jar file I've saved to 

C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\lib


I get an error response 'Failed to load drivers from [C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\lib\mimjdbc3.jar]; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.'


Can anyone please advise?


Thanks in advance 

  • I've sorted it out - although the setup appears quite specific


    I know it's unlikely as no one uses MIMER databases really but just in case, for future reference for anyone needing to connect to a MIMER DB via SoapUI - follow these instructions:


    note: any version of MIMER db < v8.2 requires JDK v1.1, versions > v8.2 requires JDK v1.2.  The version of MIMER DB I was using was v10.0.61


    1.  Install JDK v1.2

    2.  Ensure PATH environment variable doesn't point to another version of Java

    3.  Set JAVA_HOME to JDKv1.2's bin directory (e.g. C:\jdkv1.2.2\bin) - e.g. at command prompt run 'set JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%;C:\jdkv1.2.2\bin'

    4.  At command prompt run 'java -version' to ensure it's picking up JDKv1.2 rather than other versions of Java

    5.  Download the mimer jdbc driver file (mimjdbc3.jar) and copy this to 'C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\bin\ext'

    6.  Create or  update the CLASSPATH environment variable, pointing to the location of the .jar file.  Run the following command via command prompt 'set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\bin\ext'

    7.  Within SoapUI's JDBC preferences, add in an entry - 'Driver column' value = 'UniqueIdentifier/com.mimer.jdbc.Driver'.  In the 'Connection String Template' column add in the value 'jdbc:mimer://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:<PORT:1360>/DB.  (note: other variations of the connection string didn't work - I got a driver failed to initialise error response).



    That's it.  If you follow the above instructions, this creates the connection successfully.  If I deviated (or missed out) any of the instructions above, I'd get a driver failed to initialise connection response when I tried to connect to the database.


    Thanks to all!

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    One thing I can point out is you need to place the jar here:


    C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\bin\ext

    based on the documentation here. Other than that, that documentation references mySql but might be able to shed some light on how to set it up.


    If the JDBC driver itself is giving an error that might be something you have to contact the provider for that JAR on.

    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero



      I know the driver and .jar works correctly because they used it with some DB interrogation tool called WSQL - I just wanted to make sure I've got the process of adding a new JDBC driver into Soapui.


      I did read that I'd put the .jar file in the wrong place - so thanks for that!

      • groovyguy's avatar
        Community Hero

        Let me know if getting it in the right folder helps or if there are still problems. :)