Starting Testexecute with powershell hanging process windows update 1803
I encounter a problem using testexecute after an update of windows
The process TestExeute.exe keeps runnning after the test has finished.
The powershell script that is waiting for the process to finish never continues and gets stuck.
The test is started on a windows 10 (build 17134) machine with TestExecute 11 on it using the following command:
Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 11\Bin\TestExecute.exe" -ArgumentList '"C:\PAthToTestPRoject\TestProject TEST.pjs" /project:"TestProject TEST" /test:"Script|TestCentrum|TestCentrum_Main" /r /e /SilentMode /ForceConversion'
This script has worked until we installed the windows update 1803.
After rebooting the virtual machine and starting an instance of testcomplete or testexecute a edge browser would start.
I followed the advice on the forum to not enable support for microsoft store apps.
the Edge browser didn't start anymore but the TestExecute process still didn't always close at the end of the test.
What I have found so far:
I found a process cftmon.exe that when I analyse the wait chain it's waiting for the testeExecute proces.
in the testexecute proces it says it's waiting for cftmon.exe.
when I kill the cftmon.exe process it restarts immidiatly and the testexecute process is closed.