Forum Discussion

TestQA1's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 months ago

Showing Scenario as message instead of green/red

Hi everyone,

I have a test where we have a condition calculating difference of two images. In test complete image difference even a slightest pixel change fails the comparison so we are using Difference method instead to avoid test fails. We don't want to fail images based minor pixel changes.

However, I need to make sure that if there's a slight difference between pictures, the test logs scenario should not pass it, neither fail it but it should display scenario as a message. We don't want to add warning as well.

Is this possible for test scenario to appear as message rather than checkpoint?

For example, Log.Message logs message but is it possible for a scenario to be the same?



5 Replies

    • TestQA1's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      rraghvanithanks for your reply.

      The Difference method also works well and I am able to log message but I need to know if the Scenario can appear as message too ?

      For example, in attached image, can line one in Green can also appear as message icon? I'm using BDD scenarios so the example in the below reply can be assumed as three different scenarios.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you're using any verify methods it will either show pass or fail icon, this is the normal functionality of TC. Otherwise, you will have to implement your own verify methods, together with the appropriate logging methods.

    If you use Execution Plan,

    It will show you the status of each tests,

    But it will show results for all functions,


  • TestQA1's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Thanks rraghvani I think I need to live with Log.Warning for the scenario I shared. Updating 'Type Description' to show Message icon against Scenario would solve the issue, but that's not supported with LogParams Object.