Jenkins plugin shows red test while TestComplete test results are green
When we run a Jenkins job to execute a TestComplete test, we have overall test result red, but all the TestComplete test results are green (see attachments 1 and 2). The console output shows - Test runner exit code: -1. [WARNING] Errors occurred during the test execution. (see attachment 3). This exit code (-1) indicates that we have a license problem or TestComplete crashed during the execution of the test. But our licenses are OK and TestComplete did not crash during the execution of the test. We tried to use an additional command line arguments to generate the Error.log file to get more information of the possible reasons, but this file wasn't generated by this test. But for a test where an error was actually logged in TestComplete test results, this file was generated.
These problems have started after the latest update TC 14.40 and they tend to be random.
Let me post a solution from the Support team here Zuzana_Z .
Thank you for sending the files. The -1 exit code means that the TestComplete service was unable to launch TestComplete because the license check had failed and TestComplete could not obtain a license. You can find information on TestComplete licensing in Licensing [].
Tip: Inspect the Error.log or Silent.log files to get more information on the possible reasons for the license check failure. For more information on these files, see the description of the /SilentMode [] and /ErrorLog [] command-line arguments in the TestComplete Command Line [] topic.
So, you need to make sure that when TestComplete is launched, all modules enabled in File | Install Extensions ... have a license and can get it.<<