Tags we are passing multiple tags like @Smoke and @Regression in CucumberOption showing 0 scenarios
We are passing multiple Tags in CucumberOptions class which is not running and getting error message as 0 scenarios-
io.cucumber.testng.CucumberOption(tags = "@smoke and @regression"). getting error as '0 Scenarios' instead of running multiple tags, Please suggest if you have any way we can pass Tags. Please check and help me here. Thanks!
The expression @Smoke and @Regression will only run scenarios that have both of these tags. Do you have any such scenarios?
@aslakhellesoy thanks for the conclusion, we need to run 2 different tags from cucumberoptions how to pass, do you have any documenetation for this? our requirement would be
scenari1 having @foo tag and scenario2 having Dev tag, we need to run 2 different tags in the same time, how to pass. we tried "@foo,@dev" is not working. May I know how to pass both tags?. Thanks!
We have used "@foo or @dev or @othertag" at cucumberoptions tags param- this is working fine. Hence please close this issue. Thanks aslakhellesoy for your solution