Script-How to call a stored value at the project variable in a list
Script-How to call a stored value at the project variable in a list
I am writing a small script.
I am creating a report which generates areport number.
I am storing the value (report number) in a global variable declared at the project level .
I need to identify that report number from a list of reports and click on the report number which is a hyperlink.
function foo(){
var itemCount = Aliases.browser.pageUntitledDocument.table;
Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("http://fred01/index.cfm?fuseaction=MEDFR.OneProject&key=28942 &stid=1&apid=2").Table(1)
var test1 = itemCount.FindChild("text",Project.Variables.MedferReportNumber,5);
I had succesfully written a script in my earlier test.
Script running succesfully is as below.
function foo(){
//Project.Variables.NewWorkOrderID = 1605152
var itemCount = Aliases.EthelPCWpf.HwndSource_NavigationWindow.NavigationWindow.mWorkOrderList;
var test1 = itemCount.FindChild("text",Project.Variables.NewWorkOrderID,5);