So after some research, it appears that adding %comspec% /k to the string with the command will allow it to successfully open the command console and run the specified command from the TestComplete script. I obtained this information from this page:https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/how-can-i-call-the-dir-command/
So this is what I have written in the code:
"WshShell.Run("%comspec% /k echo -e | plink -load ......", 1, True)"
where the ... is just the truncated command for the sake of brevity, the 1 and True are based on the information found on this page: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//d5fk67ky(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN.
However there is a new issue that has come up, the "True" there is a parameter that has the program wait for whatever command I ran to finish executing before the program to continue on causes the command console window to stay up and TestComplete halts from doing anything further until I manually close that command console window. I have attempted to create a method that closes any command console windows open directly after the WshShell.Run statement but TestComplete also does not execute this statement until I close that command console window. TestComplete is also unable to stop an in progress test when I select stop in the upper right corner until I am able to close that command console window.
So it would appear that the parameter for having the program wait for that script to execute successfully is potentially interfering with TestComplete's ability to execute anything else, and even when the script executes successfully, the command console is continuing to stay open leading me to have to manually close it. Would you happen to know what options I could try to circumnavigate this issue or at least a method to ensure the script runs successfully before continuing on without the use of the wait parameter = True?