Reuse/Reference a common library in TestComplete projects
I have a set of few .js (javascript) files which have reusable routines. These are good enough to be used a set of libraries across different projects.
Here are a couple things that I'm trying to do:
1. Reference these files in many different projects
2. Make updates or add more routines to these files for any project in TestComplete, and save these changes.
3. Whenever the new changes are saved to these files, I should be able to commit these changes to update the git repo, so that other people who are using these files would be able to fetch the latest code from the repo.
I've not been able to accomplish any of the above-mentioned steps yet. If anyone has done this before or can give some ideas, that would be really great!
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
I do it all the time.
The easiest way is to, in any project you want to use the reusable routine, right click on the Script node, select "Add -> Existing Item", navigate to the item and click OK. The file is now associated with the project. Now, whenever you make a change to that file, any project that uses the file will get the updates immediately. As long as the path where the file resides is part of your git repo, it should be available to git.
So... the question is... you say you've tried stuff and not been able to do it... what have you tried? What errors are you getting? What problems are you having? What you've described is a fairly standard use case for TestComplete so I'm curious as to why it's not working for you.