Forum Discussion
I inadvertently clicked on the Accept as Solution button. I was simply going to reply by saying that I wasn't talking about the restart happening in the middle of a running test. Clearly, if that happened I'd have to restart the test. I was just inquiring about what "state" (locked or unlocked) is the VM in immediately following a restart? if (as the smartbear website stated) i need to disconnect from any RDP session using the tscon utility so that it's not locked when a test starts running then what state is it in immediately following a restart? if it's locked following a restart then should i either RDP in so that i can run the tscon utility or even create a scheduled task that is triggered on startup to run tscon? the website gives me the impression that its pretty important that the VM is not in a locked state (which it would be if i simply disconnected from the RDP session - i.e. clicked the X in the upper left corner). I guess in a way I'm also asking what is the difference between running the tscon and just signing completely out of the RDP session (so that my credentials no longer have a session with it at all). do you understand what i'm getting at now?
I do understand what you are asking and I am still going to advise you to talk to your IT group or whoever manages your VMs. We all have different systems with different configurations and I am unable to tell you what state your VM is in after a restart.
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