Forum Discussion

leandropoblet's avatar
Frequent Contributor
10 years ago

How to disable "condibional mode" on NameMappings


I just want to know how to disable the conditional mode.



  • What you hv directed/shown is where you can see already mapped names.

    Essentially once mapped you can not simply convert to simple mode.

    In conditional mapping you may have provided nessasary conditions to map. 

    Same way simple mode you have to provide what properties to map.

    if you realy need to do that, have to remove existing and re-map in simple mode.

    My advice is always take backup of "NameMapping.tcNM" for every step you change mapping. If gone wrong it's not easy to correct.
  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    could u please elaborate..

    I do not think you are not refering to button in bottem left of this dialog box
  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    What you hv directed/shown is where you can see already mapped names.

    Essentially once mapped you can not simply convert to simple mode.

    In conditional mapping you may have provided nessasary conditions to map. 

    Same way simple mode you have to provide what properties to map.

    if you realy need to do that, have to remove existing and re-map in simple mode.

    My advice is always take backup of "NameMapping.tcNM" for every step you change mapping. If gone wrong it's not easy to correct.
  • leandropoblet's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    No quite what I was looking for but thanks anyways.

    As nishnatha said, it cannot go back to simple mode.

    I mean... I enabled this option (conditional mode) and now it's enabled forever. Should I make a mistake and it will expect a condition somewhere.

