reading xml using selectSingleNode()
Hi All ,
How should i read the below xml using selectSingleNode().I have to take name as input i.e configuration name="MarkXX_Gas_1.22_Fwd_Win7" as input and then read the values. The function should be able to read multiple tag names.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration name="MarkXX_Gas_1.22_Fwd_Win7" OSName="Win7" OSServicePack="Service Pack 1" Windows64bit="True" OfficeVersion="2010" OfficeServicePack="SP1" UserAccountType="Domain" Locale="en-US" IEVersion="10.0.9200.17267">
<meter Name="Meter1" ProductType="0" DeviceNumber="3414" FlowDirection="1" CPUBdSwVer="1.22-Gas_Sp3pt02_Eval-20150521_0725 2015/05/21" IPAddress="" ConnectionType="0" />
try something like may hav to debug this code...
doc = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
doc.async = false;
if(doc.parseError.errorCode != 0)
{ s = "Reason:\t" + doc.parseError.reason + "\n" +
"Line:\t" + aqConvert.VarToStr(doc.parseError.line) + "\n" +
"Pos:\t" + aqConvert.VarToStr(doc.parseError.linePos) + "\n" +
"Source:\t" + doc.parseError.srcText;
Log.Error("Cannot parse the document.", s);
return; }
strNode = "name = MarkXX_Gas_1.22_Fwd_Win7";
Node = doc.selectSingleNode(strNode);
childNodes = Node.childNodes;
for(i=0;i<childNodes.length-1;i++){ //
Log.Message (Node.childNodes.item(i).text);