Forum Discussion

LunaLJG's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

SOAPUI PRO: Using Add API throws "unable to read location" error

I am attempting to add an api through a json file into readyapi 3.2.5 so I can use it for test cases in soapui pro.  But I keep getting this error below in the logs and the api doesn't get added.  I've put the file in various locations  (C: drive, 😧 drive, desktop) to no avail.   What causes this error to occur and how can I resolve it?


Wed Jun 10 16:36:39 EDT 2020: INFO: Importing swagger C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.2.5\memberstore.json
Wed Jun 10 16:36:39 EDT 2020: ERROR: unable to read location `C:/Program Files/SmartBear/ReadyAPI-3.2.5/memberstore.json`
Wed Jun 10 16:36:39 EDT 2020: WARN: Item [null] submitted for display, but no module could display it
Wed Jun 10 16:36:39 EDT 2020: WARN: Item [null] submitted for display, but no module could display it

  • For reference, I sent the file to support and they could recreate the error.  The problem is that the specification needs to be fixed before I can import it.   Seems that the .net framework version we're using has an older swagger version than the .net core version.


    Another point worth noting is that I could get more details on the errors if I changed the securityDefinition in the json file from this:


    "description":"Token Authentication",
    } }



    "description":"Token Authentication",


    So I would at least see a popup in soapUI with errors like the following instead of just the file location error:


    attribute paths.'/Health/Status'(get).responses.200.schema is unexpected

    attribute paths.'/Health/Status'(get).consumes is unexpected

    attribute paths.'/Health/Status'(get).produces is unexpected attribute 

8 Replies

    • LunaLJG's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you Himanshu.  I've now tried that but it did not help the issue.    I suspect the issue is in the structure of the json file.  I have two files and both are swagger based.  One works fine for one API, but the other file doesn't.  The problem is I want to add the api of the file that isn't working for me.  I also don't want to have to extensively edit it to 'make it work' as that is not sustainable for future updates.


      Attached are two screenshots from the json objects.  I'm not sure if you can tell anything from this high level detail or not.  I can provide a bit more detail if needed.


      Thank you so much for your ongoing assistance.



      • HimanshuTayal's avatar
        Community Hero

        Thanks for sharing the information LunaLJG , What error you are getting in SoapUI while importing the swagger file.


        Please attach the screenshot of Error.