Forum Discussion

beginTC's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 months ago

QAComplete cannot terminate TestExecute

I am currently using QAComplete in cloud to run tests on TestExecute in local. The QAComplete can run the test properly, but somehow it cannot close the TestExecute when I am using certain software. When running these tests, the whole test is done, but QAComplete will still count the time, and local TestExecute.exe is still shown as running. 

Additional info is that my local is a Windows Server version computer. The other setup to use Windows10 works fine for all my tests. Can someone help to contribute to any suggestions? I'm currently thinking about some setting change in QAComplete or TestExecute.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    How is TestExecute being launched, Batch or PowerShell script file? What parameters are you using?

    • beginTC's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      The TestExecute is launched by QAComplete with information filled in the above window. The important part here is the Project path in the box "Project or Test to Run". I know using command line to run TestExecute could involve the "/exit" to make sure TestExecute to be closed, but in QAComplete, I don't see that option. 

      Additionally, the exactly same setting can works for TestExecute in Window10 PC, but cannot work for TestExecute on Windows Server version... So it is really a pain here.

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        I'm not familiar with QAComplete at all, but I was going to suggest /exit parameter if you were using a batch file. Someone else may be able to give you a better answer.

    • Hassan_Ballan's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      In batch file, you could use the command line "TASKKILL /IM testexecute.exe" rather than adding PoweShell, its really a matter of preference.

      On command line run C:\>taskkill /? for the help

    • beginTC's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I created a batch file to terminate the TestExecute to be initiated after my test is done. The batch could terminate the TestExecute, then QAComplete could receive the log. The issue is that the QAComplete will display all to be "Passed" even when the test is failed... 

      I think the termination using command line will somehow send back the exit code or whatever code to QAComplete to indicate the result. Since the termination command is passed, the QAComplete will always display as passed...

      • JDR2500's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        What about killing the process before you start your tests running rather than at the end?  We do something like that to make sure our application isn't running when we try to install/uninstall it.  Jenkins runs the PS script before launching the TestComplete project.

  • beginTC's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    This issue happened some time ago, then got recovered. Then it happened last week and now it got recovered again. I know that there are some company refresh change made to the computers, but not sure what may have caused the issue. For now this problem has not been observed, but chances are that it could happen again next time.