Pipe as character in Value
Hello there,
Currently on V15.52.2.7
I'm trying to set as value the following text for a "ClickItemR" operation of a operationsTree item : |Programme1|Pièce CN polyédrique 1|T 3: Foret hélicoïdal D3 L35 SD3|Posage 3 [Origine 1 || A' : 28,9517°]|5: Perçage (Radial)
The object contain a Pipe character.
TestComplete does not read the value correctly, with double Pipe there is no object with that name and with one Pipe it separate the value and only search for "Posage 3 [Origine 1"
I've seen a post that might be similar :https://community.smartbear.com/t5/ReadyAPI-Questions/Solved-Pipe-as-character-in-REST-parameter-value/td-p/20014
The double Pipe wath the solution for it.
Does the behavior changed recently ?
How can i make my value correct ?