Forum Discussion
Been absolutely in line with all said by Colin and Robert and taking the fact that you did not mention type of application (desktop, web, mobile) and intended environment, I would add the following:
-- For the desktop application in the Windows environment, you may consider AQTime ( that is a tool for profiling different aspects of the tested application. In your case, you may talk to developers and ask them at what moment the application is in the required state. (For example: return from the OnShow procedure for the AppMainForm garantees that the application is displayed and is ready to interact with the user.) Then you may use Performance profiler from AQTime and measure time from application start until return from the OnShow method. This should answer your question (obviously, as it was mentioned, for the given test run conditions). As a bonus, you will get a trace of what methods were executed before OnShow and how long did it take them to execute. So, if it takes too much time for your application to start, you will be able to answer what methods need be optimized first. Again, do not forget that all performance measurements are not absolute but rather statistical ones. You must perform measurements a couple of times (dispose of of any statistically incorrect results), process results and the answer should be like: "On the <Envoironment1> environment, the time from application start until end-user can communicate with the application is 0.1 sec with 95% probability".
-- For web applications, you may consider PerformanceTiming API and measure time interval between navigationStart and loadEventEnd events on web page. But again, remember that a lot of web pages become responsive not after they were obtained from the server, but after the given page was rendered by the browser and all scripts with additional web requests were executed and their results were processed as well. LoadComplete ( might be a tool that will help you to measure the peformance of your web application and how the performance degrades under load.
Hi Alex,
Many thanks for your inputs and sharing your deep knowledge, I really appreciate that.
I tried also LoadComplete, but I think LC is a specialist for backend performance testing and measurement for http request/response, like you said, even requests were completed and responses were received from server, it still does not mean that browser/webapp. is responsive and applicable on gui.
As you said AQTime is maybe more suitable for this testcase, maybe I will try it out later.
Thanks again and Kind Regards,