Forum Discussion

NazSmart's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Patch tcCrHook.dll is not working on chrome 20 after some time

I have existing scripts in TC 9(converted from TC8.2) which are running fine in IE8 and FF12. I wanted to run the same scripts on chrome 20.

I have downloaded tcCrHook.dll. For first day it worked fine(fast) and was able to run the scripts on chrome 20. But next day after shutdown of machine,it is not working(very slow). I need help.

7 Replies

  • JacenIkoda's avatar
    New Contributor

    I too am having this issue with Google Chrome v20.  Have applied the v20 update extension and am running TestComplete 9

    Hope this can be resolved quickly.
  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Nazim and Jacen,

    But next day after shutdown of machine,it is not working(very slow).

    Nazim, can you clarify what exactly doesn't work or slow down? Does TestComplete show any error message? If you observe the slowdown, please clarify which line of your code causes it.

    I too am having this issue with Google Chrome v20.

    Jacen, please clarify which behavior you observe.

    Thanks :)

  • JacenIkoda's avatar
    New Contributor

    I've installed the chrome v20 dll to the correct folder in TC version 9

    But in the  Object Browser, Chrome is still displayed as a process rather than a browser.

    Sys.Browser("chrome") does not detect or executing commands on chrome version 20 either.
  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Jacen,

    Can you please answer the following questions?

    1. As far as I understand, the Object Browser panel shows Sys.Process("chrome") instead of Sys.Browser("chrome"), right?

    2. How many Sys.Process("chrome") nodes do you see? If there is more than one node, please make sure the [url=]Use legacy web testing features[/url] option is disabled. For more information on the requirements for web testing, see the [url=]Requirements for Web Testing[/url] help topic.

    3. Does the Sys.Process("chrome") object have the Page("...") child object?

    4. Are you sure you have applied the patch for TestComplete ver. 9, but not for TestComplete ver. 8?

    BTW, I recommend that you re-download the TestComplete 9 installation package from our web site, install it and try again. The fact is that we've recently reloaded this package, so it included most of the released patches.

    Please provide me with your results. Thanks :)

  • JacenIkoda's avatar
    New Contributor
    1) Yup, that's correct.

    2) There is about 15 running.  I have checked use legacy web testing features box in project properties, restarted TC and still get 15 processes.  

    3) None of them have a child page

    4) Re-downloaded the dll for version 9 of TC, still didn't work.

    Will now try with the reinstall.
  • NazSmart's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am using common function to find the object to run scripts on different browsers. Every time I am finding object by common function in which following line finds the object. Find method is taking long time to find objects in chrome 20. For IE8 and FF12 working fine.

    Result = Page["Find"](ConvertedPropertiesArray, ConvertedValuesArray,15000);

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi all.


    Can you please clarify which version of TestComplete is installed on the machine with the mentioned Object Browser hierarchy?


    Find method is taking long time to find objects in chrome 20.

    The fact is that Chrome is realized so that it uses lots of simultaneously working processes. TestComplete's support for Chrome, in turn, works in the separate process, and it requires obtaining the information from other Chrome processes. Such inter-process communication may slow down the test execution in Chrome.

    However, this is a known issue, and we're working on improving TestComplete's support for Chrome in the next updates of TestComplete.
