Other work during the running test
- 8 years ago
A practical work around...
1. Install TC12 on one VM (called 'devVM') and TE12 on another VM (called 'runtimeVM'). Put your licensing software on a physical machine that both VMs can reach.
2. Set up a remote GIT repository on yet another VM.
3. Install the Tortuous GIT plugin on 'devVM' and 'runtimeVM' with local repositories on each.
4. Develop your tests on 'devVM'. When you are at a stopping point, commit your changes locally. When you are finished with a test, push your change to the remote repository.
5. Go to 'runtimeVM' and pull from the remote repository. Verify that you can kick off the test via Test Execute and that it works as desired. Test Execute can be kicked off automatically by some scheduled batch file or by an automated build system while you develop additional tests in parallel on 'devVM'.