Forum Discussion

ThomasCasserly's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 years ago

Object causing exception during test run

Hi all, 


I'm having an issue running a test where an object is continually causing an exception. 


The object can be found by clicking the "Highlight" option from the right click menu from the Namemapping tree. So appear no issues with the mapping.

I have added a waitproperty operation to the test ,to wait until the object exists, the exception still occurs on the object.

I have added a delay to the test to allow the object to load, the object still causes an exception.

I have added interactions  with other page objects on the same webpage to the test, before interacting with the required object,  object still causes an exception.


In the keyword test log, "Details", the only message I am getting is "Member not found"


Any ideas on this? is there a remedy for it?






  • Ok, 


    So i just found the problem myself, I hadn't selected the "Exists" property of the Object, but had only selected the object itself.

    Once I Selected the Object, and set the "Exists" property as the value the Exception no longer occurs.


    User error this time (must be the first time ever πŸ˜‹πŸ˜…πŸ˜…)


    Thanks all for pointing me in the right direction and helping me find "my own" issueπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

13 Replies

  • Hi ThomasCasserly 


    It sounds like may be some dynamic attribute being used in the identification properties of the object, which could be fixed by using a wildcard or regex - or editing to use some other attribute(s) for that object. You can check this in the NameMapping selectors.

    • ThomasCasserly's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Mike, 

      thanks for the suggestion Mike but the object mapping doesn't contain any dynamic properties. 

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    In the keyword test log, "Details", the only message I am getting is "Member not found"

    What is the code line that causes error?


    • ThomasCasserly's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Alex, 


      I have no idea, how would I find it? FYI I'm using keyword tests in case that makes a difference.

      • Marsha_R's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        ThomasCasserly wrote:

        Hi Alex, 


        I have no idea, how would I find it? FYI I'm using keyword tests in case that makes a difference.

        Hi ThomasCasserly - I was answering your question to Alex about finding the code line that causes the error, because you said you didn't know how to find it.   Now you do!