Opening second browser window
Hi All,
I'm currently working on a problem that bothers me a bit..
I run cross browser tests for a web application.
Now, while having opened one of the browsers with the application under test (IE, Chrome and FF) i need also to open a second browser screen (that needs to stay open during the testing of the cross browser testing). The additional browser is IE (as the application from which i need to compare with only runs in IE (silverlight)). How can I open the additional IE browser with the second appilication while doing cross browser testing on the three other browsers.
Any help would be appreciated! The only thing i discovered on the forum is about new tabs, not new windows.
As i need to reuse the additional IE (to look for info) I need to keep that window opened until tests are finished.
Best regards,
I suspect you might.
As I say, I use a specific start page (stored on the local machine and ref'd as a start parameter when I launch the browser) so I can tell them apart. Beyond that, you'd have to resort to index numbers or something horrible and unreliable along those lines.
Had to do it this way for exactly the reasons you're having problems. :smileyhappy: