9 years agoSuper Contributor
OpenFile From Keyword Test
I can't figure out how to use the FileOpen dialog in a keyword test.In the screen captures below 'VDTBrowser' is mapped to the 'Browse' button and opens the FileOpen dialog. FileUcparseconfigfileTextbox01np fails with "...window is disabled". If the dlgOpen.OpenFile is called without the the previous two lines I'm getting object does not exist. I'm sure it's simple but I'm not seeing it. I've tried in script as well. The upload control is DevExpress v15
@Html.DevExpress().UploadControl(s => { s.Name = "ucParseConfigFile"; s.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Opportunity", Action = "FileImport" }; s.AutoStartUpload = true; s.ValidationSettings.Assign(CribMaster.Web.Base.Util.Helper.UploadControlHelper.ExcelValidationSettings); s.ClientSideEvents.FilesUploadStart = "function (s,e) { ShowLoading(); }"; s.ClientSideEvents.FileUploadComplete = "ExcelFileUploadCompleted"; //s.ClientSideEvents.TextChanged = "function(s, e) { ucParseConfigFile.Upload(); }"; s.ShowClearFileSelectionButton = false; s.Enabled = (Model.UsageType != null) ? true : false; }).GetHtml()