You could try this cmd to launch Network and Sharing:
all you'd have to do is save that off in a 'networkSharing.bat' file > save it in your Project's Stores/Files folder > then run it from a TestComplete script like so:
function launchNetworkSharing() {
var batch = Sys.OleObject("WScript.Shell");
var run = batch.Run(Project.Path + "\\Stores\\Files\\networkSharing.bat");
var networkSharing = Sys.Process("explorer", 2).Window("CabinetWClass", "Network Connections", 1);
Log.Checkpoint("| Network & Sharing Launched |");
// do some other stuff if you need to
** I don't have a Desktop license so I can't tell if TestComplete will be able to find the objects within the Network and Sharing options, but this should at least take care of the how to get to Network & Sharing.
If TC can't find the objects within, you might be stuck writing your own PoswerShell script or similar, like [this].