Forum Discussion

Morgan's avatar
Frequent Contributor
11 years ago

Open Office

I am trying to open Open Office, click a specified tab in a specific document and copy all data on that tab.  In Excel, this seems to work great but I am having difficulty getting this to work in Open Office (or I'm just not thinking clearly today).  Any ideas?  

Working Excel script looks like...

  bk := AppPath +'Resources\Table.xls';


  Excel := Sys.OleObject('Excel.Application');


  Excel.Visible := True;                        


  While not Excel.Visible = true

        do delay (500, 'Waiting for Excel to open');


  Excel.Workbooks.Open (bk);   

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Morgan,

    Actually, conversion from VBScript is easier than to VBScript because you should not bother whether or not use the Set keyword.

    For the link that you mentioned I got this (untested, just converted while writing this reply):

    procedure main();

      var ServiceManager : OleVariant;

      var Desktop : OleVariant;

      var Document : OleVariant;

      var Sheets : OleVariant;

      var Sheet : OleVariant;

      var SaveParam : OleVariant;

      var i, j : integer;

      var arr : OleVariant;


      ServiceManager := Sys.OleObject('');

      Desktop := ServiceManager.createInstance('');

      // arr = Array()

      arr := BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, -1);

      Document := Desktop.LoadComponentFromURL('private:factory/scalc', '_blank', 0, arr);

      Sheets := Document.getSheets();

      Sheet := Sheets.getByIndex(0);

      Sheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0).SetFormula('My Table Title');

      for i := 0 to 9 do


        Sheet.getCellByPosition(i, 1).SetFormula(aqString.Format('Column %i', i+1));

        for j := 0 to 9 do

          Sheet.getCellByPosition(i, j+2).Value := i + j;


      SaveParam := ServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct('');

      SaveParam.Name := 'FilterName';

      SaveParam.Value := 'MS Excel 97';

      arr := BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 0);

      arr[0] := SaveParam;

      Document.storeToURL('file:///c:/test.xls', arr);


    Hope, this will help...

    P.S. I failed to make correct formatting, so please replace [ ] with a space and ['] with a single quote
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Morgan,

    Great. Thank you for the update.

    Conversion was done manually. Actually, especially if the author of the original code did not use language-specific functions and features but tried to use TestComplete's functions that do the same (I mentioned this in the "Namemapping nightmare" thread), the conversion is quite straightforward: delete all Set keywords; add semicolon at the end of every line; replace all = with := (considering conditions in the if/while/etc.); replace all double-quotes with the single ones and double single quotes inside strings; enclose procedure/function bodies within the begin/end block; etc.

    There is no function in TestComplete that does the conversion, but after converting code to and from several times one usually has no problems with manual conversion.
  • Morgan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Thanks, Alexei - From that link I was able to find the following with an example which is proving to do what I want to in VBScript..

    I am having difficulty getting the example script converted to DelphiScript but I can muck with it more and see if I can get it.

    Thank you!

  • Morgan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    OH HAPPY DAY!!!  It works!!!!  Dumb question for you....  did you manually convert that or is there some function with TC that I am unaware of that will do it for me?  I am on an older version currently, if it matters.  Thank you SO much!
  • Morgan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Thanks, Alexei - you've been very helpful!  Have a good day!