Forum Discussion
What stack does your tech team use?
If they are C#, then they should adhere to an automationId just for you.
But if they are adding and removing elements all the time, that probably indicates the app itself isn't even at a stable state for you to spend time automating.
They should also adhere to a design methodology that is sensible. For example lets say they have a panel (in a C# app, webapp whatever) called customerOrders. and within the customerOrders they have an inputfield called 'address'. It is sensible that if I find the customerOrder panel, then look for address, I should be getting the customer address field, even if 'address' itself is a bit ambiguous.
If dev change that, they may put a wrapper around address or whatever. But fact is from design, if I go find a customerOrder panel then look for address, I should still arrive at the same object.
Not sure if that makes any sense.
Also get involved in the design process. You may not be able to convince the devs to stop making changes that affect your tests so badly, but at least you will know what's coming before it lands on your desk for testing.
- JennyH118 years agoFrequent Contributor
Thanks Marsha!
This is what I'm striving for, however, there are many challenges, more than I can take on on my own at present and I have to pick what I can tackle aswell as what I'm already doing.
Thank you for the reminder though, for me this is the crux of the problem. I am simply not involved enough at the design stage.... My instinct tells me that currently we do not have enough of a "design stage" and decisions are mainly left to the developer and myself and another colleague are surprised when we see the end result. It will improve because it has to and we'll keep pushing.
Thank you for your input Marsha!