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roja's avatar
New Contributor
16 years ago

Object recognition problem for WPF using test complete7

I am trying to perform a feasibility study for WPF web based applicaiton with testcomplete7.

I have done the settings specified as per teh Help file in TestComplete.

But action on the browser are recognized as

Dim iexplore

Dim wnd

Set iexplore = Aliases.iexplore

Call iexplore.wndIEFrame.ShellDocObjectView.DocObject_Top_Class.Item.Click(473, 111)

Set wnd = iexplore.IEFrame.ShellDocObjectView.DocObject_Top_Class.Item

Call wnd.Item.Click(738, 15)

Call wnd.Click(114, 144)

Just to summaries, the whole page is being identified as a single object iexplorer.

i am in urgent need of the feasibility report by eod. A quick response is appreciated.
  • Hi Roja,

    TestComplete has no special support for XBAP applications. However, we have such a suggestion in our DB, and your request has increased its rating.

    Currently, you can work with such applications by using TestComplete's MSAA feature. To do this, you need to add the window class of the XBAP window to the list of the MSAA feature. According to your screenshot, you need to add the HwndWrapper* class. You can learn how to to do this in the Project Properties - MSAA Options help topic.

    Does this work for you?
  • roja's avatar
    New Contributor


    This works... I am able to record and individual elements are identified.

    But i have doubt interms of the differences between WPF and XBAP? XBAP is same as web based WPF right.

    The code which i recorded seems like below.

    Dim panel

    Dim comboBox

    Set panel = Aliases.iexplore.IEFrame.tabpage.ShellDocObjectView.DocObject_Top_Class.window1

    Set comboBox = panel.combo_box

    'Call comboBox.DblClick(1141, 4)

    Call comboBox.Click

    Call panel.window.list_item_Area3.Click


    Call aqObject.CompareProperty(Aliases.iexplore.IEFrame.tabpage.ShellDocObjectView.DocObject_Top_Class.window.text_Label.Name, cmpEqual, "Text("&Chr(34)&"Label"&Chr(34)&")", False)


    I am not able to play back the code. When i am trying to play back the code,a combo box selection window properties are changing and code is not being played back.

    Can you tell me the solution for this.

    Thank you

  • roja's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hi can i get a solution for this problem. I am in urgent need of submitting a proof of concept by EOD.

    Thanks in advance
  • Hello Roja,

    But i have doubt interms of the differences between WPF and XBAP? XBAP is same as web based WPF right.

    Actually, you can work with XBAP applications in a similar way as with WPF applications. However, you need to prepare your tested application as it is described in the Preparing XAML Browser Applications for Testing help topic. If objects are still not recognized, set the value of the Method invoke timeout option to 30000 ms. See the Project Properties - General Open Applications Options help topic for more information.

    When i am trying to play back the code,a combo box selection window properties are changing and code is not being played back.

    I suppose that objects have been mapped by non-stable properties. Please make sure that all properties you choose for name mapping are stable and do not change from run to run.