Object recognition in web applications
It seems that there is a recent change in object recognition in web application with Chrome. When i use Object spy to reconize a control it now displays in fullname property a FindElement method, eg Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("https://mywebapplication.bzh").FindElement("//label[.=""Date d'intervention""]").
Previously it was a full path, eg Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("https://mywebapplication.bzh").Form("mainForm").Panel(0).Panel("page_content").Panel(1).Panel(1).Panel(0).Panel("s_crits").Panel(0).Panel("paramsDynamiques").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel("crit_rapide_198291").Panel("crit_rapide_198291_s_selection").Panel(1).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Label(0).
My problem is that I can no more handle objects near a specific objects using '.parent' of '.child(0)', '.textnode(0)' in my scripts.
Is the ".findElement" the new way testComplete reconize web objects on Chrome, is it just an option of the project?
Ok I can auto reply to my question 😁, it was due to the parameter "Use XPath and CSS selectors for web objects (required for cross-plateform web tests).
I disabled the parameter and I got the previous behaviour for my automated tests.