Forum Discussion

rohita's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 months ago

Not able to start chrome in headless

We have followed the steps from below link -

1. How to check if 'Headless Web Browser support' this support is enabled or not? 

2. Once we execute script it is giving error. Update: I manually created below folder structure and placed chromedriver.exe. But still facing the same issue.

3. Does TestComplete auto downloads the latest/compatible chromedriver?

Code which starts the browser


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I did not use cloud testing in local mode (this is what you are doing in fact), but as per my memory, you need to do the following:

    -- Install and setup local Appium;

    -- Add correct Chrome WebDriver to local Appium;

    -- Add parameters to capabilities to specify that Chrome is going to be used in headless mode.

    Check relevant TC documentation topics for more details and to check that my memory does not fail ;)


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You need the appropriate TC licence to use this feature


  • nastester's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Yeah pretty sure you need the IQ add-on to do headless this way. 

  • rohita's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    rraghvani  - Yes we do have Intelligent Quality add-on, but TC is not downloading chromedriver and we have kept the chromedriver.exe on given path but still script is showing the same error.


  • rohita's avatar
    Occasional Contributor


    How can we enable this  - We do have required subscription of TestComplete.