Forum Discussion

Kanika's avatar
10 years ago

Not able to click on forward pagination button in a panel.

 I want to click on forward button (in pagination icons) to go on second page through VBScript But object spy only able to focus on panel in which they are present but cannot directly focus on f...
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    10 years ago



    I would suggest that you use the FindChildByXPath method for this. Here is an example:


    Set panel = page.FindChildByXPath("//DIV[@class='pager']", False)
    If Not panel is Nothing Then 
      Set  objF = panel.FindChildByXPath("//SPAN[@class='icon-forward']", False)     
      ' …


    Please refer to the "Finding Web Objects Using XPath Expressions" ( )  help topic for details.