Hi exdunepilot, AlexKaras, seebs,
Though the Network Suite functionality is indeed no longer supported, it will remain available in the product for quite some time before eventually being removed. To start a process of migration to a dedicated CI\CD tool, you can use this article: "Migrating Distributed Tests to CI/CD Systems". It demonstrates how to replicate the Network Suite setup, including synchpoints (https://support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/docs/netsuite-deprecated.html#synch), in Jenkins, but the same should be achievable in every other CI\CD system. Thus, in Azure Pipelines you don't even have to use scripting - the visual Classic mode allows creating several jobs and making them co-dependent. This should address the "multiple environment" case described above.
exdunepilot, the Parallel object you mentioned was indeed created to make orchestrating cross-platform web test execution easier. However, this object, particularly Parallel.RunTests method is not bound to web testing - it simply starts several helper processes in parallel on the same machine. Since TestComplete tests simulate real user actions, they cannot be executed on the same machine in parallel. But each process can trigger the test on a remote machine. For web testing, we offer remote machines provided by CrossBrowserTesting as Selenium Grid. It's not possible to provide the same service for desktop testing, but one could theoretically create custom logic for remote desktop execution utilizing the Parallel object. However, this would essentially be a clone of Network Suite. So, I'd recommend looking into CI\CD solutions - TestComplete has native integrations with Jenkins and Azure DevOps, but SessionCreator makes it possible to run tests from any tool.
exdunepilot, AlexKaras, seebs, if you run into any issues with running TestComplete tests from Jenkins or Azure DevOps or have any questions, please reach out to our support team.