Forum Discussion

odedma's avatar
11 years ago

multi browser problems


my original mapping was for IE.

now we want to support FF & chrome.

but in IE there are popup windows where in Chrome it opens in a new browser and not a popup in the same browser.

the object is identified as the same object and the map is the same for both .

but the same object in IE is identified and in Chrome and FF its not.

do you have any suggestion ? 


  • james_attree's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I'm not sure how much this will help but I found that mapping things in other browers worked for IE whereas sometimes I would map something in IE and FF and Chrome wouldn't be able to see it.

    When you say IE opens a pop up and FF opens a new window, isn't that just a pop up?
  • Are you running TC v10 with Chrome?  A script I have in TC v10 which runs flawlessly in IE doesn't get past the first screen in Chrome.  While it should activate a JavaScript menu, it instead goes to Chrome's bookmark.  Very strange...but that's what betas are for, right?
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Mike,

    > Very strange...but that's what betas are for, right?

    Hm-m-m... If you are talking about TC Beta, then I think that you are aware that TC10 was released almost three weeks ago (Jan 3). Also, SmartBear already released a patch for Chrome 32 (that is also not a beta already) -

    What versions of TC and Chrome are you using?