modularize object path
TestComplete version: x64
I'm using python for the Unit test script.
Question: how do you modularized an object path in TestComplete?
from this:
aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.ApplicationName.HwndSource_MainWindow.MainWindow.StatusBar.StatusBarItem.TextblockJohnDoe, "WPFControlText", cmpEqual, "john.doe")
to something like this:
UserName= "john.doe"
aqObject.CheckProperty(TextBlock+UserName.title().replace(".",""), "WPFControlText", cmpEqual, UserName)
I found a solution and it's working!
need to use the eval() function to convert string to a python object
aqObject.CheckProperty(eval(TextBlock+UserName.title().replace(".","")), "WPFControlText", cmpEqual, UserName)