Mapping Finder Tool is now Mapping the same object Differently! HELP!
I've been using TestComplete and have written many scrips. I always use the Map Object Finder Tool. I've had this scripts for awhile now and are universal to many of our products. The problem is that it's not working properly now. Like I said before I used this scripts and have mapped out the objects that I use on my scripts so all I need to do is run them. The issue is that it is mapping them differently now than before for example:
This is a recall Button on a program I am using:
It has always been:
RecallBtn = Aliases["DFPWindow"]["FrontPanelGroup"]["RecallBtn"];
Now it can't find it because its mapped out like this on the same object:
RecallBtn = Aliases["SystemArchitect2"]["Window"] ("", "33 - Crown I-Tech HD", 2)["Window"]("", "", 1)["Window"]("", "", 76);
This has happen before, but I don't know how I fixed this problem before. It is severe because like I mention before I used this scripts plenty of times thats why I mapped out all of my objects before (and have been the same until now!). In recap, the mapping object finder tool is now telling me the same object as I used before plenty of times (and never has changed) is now mapped differently. Not only have this single object changed ,but the rest of my scripts with mapped out objects have changed too so it won't run any of them now because it can't find what it use to find before. Could you please tell me, how I can fix this issue? I am using an older version 7.52 (I know I have an older version os TestComplete, but this is what I use for work)