I am not sure that I've got the whole idea...
You must use code in order to create an array of objects. Then you should be able to pass this array to keyword test as a parameter. (Never tried this, thus this should be checked.)
While you can create an array of NameMapped (better - Aliased) objects and pass it to some other function, this is usually not the best idea in TestComplete's world. The case is that Aliases object in TestComplete caches actual objects and tries to reuse them. The problem is that if aliased object is recreated in the tested application (e.g. table with data has beed recreated as a result of some ajax request and page script), its cached copy becomes invalid but is not destroyed and can be refreshed from test code. So, the longer test code passes Aliased object through function calls, the higher the chances (especially, for web applications) that the object will become invalid. In order to prevent false negative failures, test code should always consider whether or not the given object must or may not be valid and proceed appropriately.
Obvoiusly, for performance considerations your test code should search for tested objects as little as possible and use references to the found ones as long as possible. But on the other hand you must consider the life time of this or that tested object in the tested application and search for the new or recreated object when needed.
> reportNameArray.push(nameMappingArrayOfObjects[i])
> var reportName = reportNameArray.join("; ");
While technically it might be possible to join an array of complex tested objects into a string... What output are you expecting for?