A requirement is how it should handle when an error or unstable show up runing a project, heres a pseudo code sample:
sample 1:
stage('Prequisite project')
TestComplete @project1
if (unstable)
create jira
stage ('Run project2')
TestComplete @project2
if (error)
//...so on running other project thru TC
The idea is i need to get the result of each individual project run not as a single build, succeeding action will base on the result of each run. Also i tried to supply the /export summary but its not working, heres how it look like:
testcompletetest actionOnErrors: 'MAKE_FAILED',
actionOnWarnings: 'MAKE_UNSTABLE',
commandLineArguments: '/exportSummary:"C:\\Jenkins\\Result\\Result.xml',
generateMHT: true,
launchType: 'lcProject',
project: 'Project1',
suite: '../../Suit.pjs',
useTCService: true,
userName: 'admin', userPassword: '1234'
this is not creating a result on the specified path
Did i miss something here or is there a better way to handle it?