It is basically saving the log in the project log folder.
when i run the script locally, it is saving to
when I run the script on the remote server, it accesses the script saved on Network drive and saves the log in the project log folder on the network drive \\file02\Development\TestComplete_12\ProductionScripts\ezVerify_Login_Verfication\Log\ExportedResults\...
Again My script code is as follows.
WorkDir = Project.ConfigPath + "Log\ExportedResults\"
FileName12_2 = WorkDir + "MyFile122.mht"
Log.SaveResultsAs FileName12_2, 2
project.variables.TestResultsFile12_2 = FileName12_2
Any error occurs in teh script, it runs the script routine and sends email through BuiltIn.SendMail method which is as follows.
BuiltIn.SendMail("","","Sri","","ezVerify - Production Issue!","ezVerify Application is Down or Server is disconnected preventing the scripts to run. Please take a look. ", project.Variables.TestResultsFile12_2)
The script runs, it sends the email but not attaching the log result. It attached but in the outlook file type not as .mht type.
So when clicked on attachment, it doesn't open explorer and display log like before.
Agin it work perfectly fine with TC10 even now.
Please suggest