Hi Kim,
Thank you for the response. I am not seeing any Python runtime issue now.
I am seeing a different issue with smartbear testcomplete extension now: SmartBear Test Extension is not Installed or is Disabled.
I am working on chrome Version 95.0.4638.54 (Official Build) (64-bit).
Inorder to run the chrome, I am using run options as I am working on application which has frames.
def LaunchBrowser2():
Browsers.Item[btChrome].__setprop__('RunOptions', '--disable-web-security --user-data-dir=\"C:\\Users\\n.thota\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\" --disable-site-isolation-trials --allow-file-access-from-files')
I am getting the below error:
SmartBear Test Extension is not Installed or is Disabled
The test engine does not have access to internal objects, methods, and properties of the page open in Chrome. Check whether SmartBear Test Extension is installed and enabled. To install or enable the extension, you can open the following page in Chrome:
But, I see the Testcomplete extension enabled in the chrome.
I referred the below link and everything is looking fine with my system:
If I am giving the below code without using run options:
def LaunchBrowser():
I can launch chrome successfully without any smartbear extension issue in chrome.
I think there is something we need to do with run options. If I don’t use run options, I am not able to access frames in my application. So, run options is mandatory to use for my application
Can someone help me with this?