5 years agoOccasional Contributor
Is there a way to edit an excel file with TestComplete?
Greetings, The question is here, I'm trying to edit an excel file with TestComplete, more specifically, I need to know if there is a way to change the color of a cell in an excel file from TestC...
- 5 years ago
Use Interior.ColorIndex to change background color of a cell
function testWriteExcel() { let excelObject, excelWorkbookObj, excelMainSheet, sheetName; try { sheetName = "test"; excelObject = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application"); if (excelObject == null) throw Error("Excel n'est pas installé !"); excelObject.Visible = false; excelObject.DisplayAlerts = false; excelWorkbookObj = excelObject.Workbooks.Open("c:\\temp\\test.xlsx"); excelMainSheet = excelWorkbookObj.Sheets.item(sheetName); excelMainSheet.Cells.Item(3, 3).Value2 = "Test"; excelMainSheet.Cells.Item(3, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 6; excelObject.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false; excelObject.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("c:\\temp\\testcolor.xlsx"); } catch(e) { Log.Message("Erreur durant la mise à jour Excel", e.message, pmHigher, system.logWarning); } finally { if (excelObject != null) { excelObject.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close; excelObject.Quit; excelObject = null; excelWorkbookObj = null; excelMainSheet = null; killProcess("EXCEL", false, false, 10); } } }