Forum Discussion

googleid_114358's avatar
12 years ago

DDT - TestComplete 9.20 - Excel 2013 - Cannot connect to Datasource.


We are facing issue using Excel DDT Driver with a 2013 MS Office version.

TestComplete log an "Unable to connect to data source" error message while trying to read Excel content at runtime.

When we are implementing DDT operation, we have the same issue. It does not detec any sheets in the file. However, TestComplete is able to "Edit workbook" in the DDT operation panel. It can open Excel 2013 and load the file. 

That's pretty weird cause we have an custom Excel Checkpoint which is checking Excel sheets/columns/row and this custom plug-in works perfectly with TC 9.20.

My guess was that the DDT Excel driver might not be working correctly.

Do you have idea or suggestion ?

