I've managed to see a small pattern but it doesn't explain everything (yet).
Whenever I had a fast run the browser was still opened from a previous run. Maybe that helped out with not getting the cache deleted. When I've disabled the "Extended find" I didn't have any fast runs.
The problem that I'm struggling to understand now is why there are still differences when the browser remains opened.
Summing it up:
- browser is closed at the beginning of the test and needs to get opened - always a slow run
- browser is opened when the test begins (we have a check to open the browser only if it's not opened already) - sometimes a fast sometimes a slow run
- with 'Extended find' disabled I haven't gotten a fast run
- with 'Extended find' enabled I do get either a slow or a fast run
I've did several tests considering smaller parts of the test and what I saw was that in slower runs every action takes a couple of seconds to perform (they actually search for the required objects), whereas in the fast runs like I said before, they find the objects instantly.
Kind regards,