Inconsistent Application Updating
I am currently testing SoapUI Pro to use in my environment. I am seeing some inconsistent behavior with the application. One of the calls I am using to test the application is a GetProducts call which you can pass in multiple ProductIds. SoapUI creates an ArrayOfInt box from my call and it seems that maybe the inconsistency is coming from the box on my form. I can't pass in multiple values to the box using a separator, but I can add them individually. When I am testing this call it appears that sometimes when adding/editing/and removing ProductIds from the ArrayOfInt box it leaves or creates empty </arr:int> in the XML which causes the call to error since it cannot parse these empty strings. Sometimes when I click add/edit/or remove the application does not respond. It also doesn't seem to update between the XML or FORM tabs when updating information.
Does the application get out of sync often? Is there a way to tell the application to reset?
Thank you