Forum Discussion

gshipp's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

I somehow have undocked my testlog window and now I can't get it back.


Someone was helping me and in the processed what looked like they grabbed the test log window, and pulled it away from the main application. Since then, I have not been able to get it to re-connect. The only way I can access the logs is to right mouse on the test set\select panel\test log, then I have to "alt tab" back and forth. QUESTION: How to I get it to dock again. See attached screen shot showing example. Thx


  • You can restore the Test Log window, and any other windows that have been moved by using the 'Restore Default Docking' option.

    This is found from View > Desktop > Restore Default Docking.


  • You can restore the Test Log window, and any other windows that have been moved by using the 'Restore Default Docking' option.

    This is found from View > Desktop > Restore Default Docking.