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11 years ago

How to use a variable in SQL query in Keyword Test

In the add variable wizard, 

I am choosing DBTable > Database query > Connection > Query text

The problem is I cannot use a variable in the sql query.

For Example, I want to use, 

     Select * from TestDB where TestDBID like 'SOMEVARIABLE'

instead of 

     Select * from TestDB where TestDBID like '9998D%'

I am using script for accomplishing this till now. Is there a way of using the same in Keyword tests?


3 Replies

      • JohnLBevan's avatar
        Regular Visitor

        We recently had the same requirement, so knocked up the below code:



        function StrFormat(template, args())
            dim value
            dim result: result = template
            dim i: i = 0
            for each value In args
                result  = Replace(result , "{" & i & "}", value)
                i = i + 1
            StrFormat = result
        end function
        function CreateConnectionString(dbInstance, dbCatalog, dbUser, dbPass)
            if dbUser > "" then
                CreateConnectionString = StrFormat(connectionStringSqlCredentials, Array(dbInstance, dbCatalog, dbUser, dbPass))
                CreateConnectionString = StrFormat(connectionStringWinCredentials, Array(dbInstance, dbCatalog))
            end if
        end function
        function ExecuteSqlReturnScalar(connectionString, query) 
            Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
            Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
            con.Open connectionString
            rs.Open query, con
            ExecuteSqlReturnScalar = rs.Fields(0).Value
            Set rs = Nothing
            Set con = Nothing
        end function
        public function RunSql(dbInstance,dbCatalog,user,pass,query,pipeDelimArgs)
            dim args: args = split(pipeDelimArgs,"|")
            RunSql = ExecuteSqlReturnScalar(CreateConnectionString(dbInstance,dbCatalog,user,pass), StrFormat(qry, args)) 
        end function


        This code is added to TestComplete as a script.

        We call the code with the following arguments (line breaks added for improved readibility):




        , "myDatabase"

        , "sqlUser"

        , "sqlPassword"

        , "select sum(Amount) 
        from CustomerInvoiceTable 
        where CustomerId='{0}'
        and TransactionDate='{1}'"

        , "CUS123|2015-03-01"

        i.e. the first 4 arguments specify the DB connection.


        The fifth gives the SQL statement to run (with {n} placeholders for any string substitution)

        The sixth is a string containing a pipe delimited set of parameters, used in the string substitution.


        "select sum(Amount) 
        from CustomerInvoiceTable 
        where CustomerId='{0}'
        and TransactionDate='{1}'"

        , "CUS123|2015-03-01"


        "select sum(Amount) 
        from CustomerInvoiceTable 
        where CustomerId='CUS123'
        and TransactionDate='2015-03-01'"


        Taking this approach means


        - We have 1 script for all (mssql) database queries (where we only want 1 scalar value result).

        - We can point it at any database; controlling the database connection details within TestComplete itself (i.e. putting in variables to hold these).

        - We can keep a library of boilerplate SQLs also in TestComplete variables; with the SQL being easily readible.

        - We can easily add variables in to the SQL; for the sixth parameter we just use TestComplete's code expression to concatenate our variables with pipe separators.

        - We then use the Last Command Result to get the script's result back into a variable.


        Hope this helps you.