Forum Discussion

GAutomation's avatar
Frequent Contributor
6 years ago

how to run multiple test cases in same excel

how to run mutiple test cases in the same excel?


Now we have longer test script with mutiple lines and finding it hard to maintain.Planning to break down to small test cases but keep it on the same excel sheet on the same tab.

In test complete how will we run each test cases if its in the same excel?



Team dont want to keep it in the different excels as it becomes difficult for them to search.



  • Hi GAutomation,


    I'm glad to hear that the solution was found. Please make the best answer in this thread (accept it as a solution).

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      I'm not sure what you mean by running multiple test cases on same excel tab.  The DDT driver for Excel does exactly that.  Each row in an excel sheet is a data record that can be used to drive or execute a test case.  Test cases for data driven testing in TestComplete are not one test case per sheet but one test case per row.

      If you can describe better how you're executing it now (as Marsha_R asks), we can perhaps suggest a better re-write.

      • GAutomation's avatar
        Frequent Contributor


        I found the solution for it by giving a emprty row in between the each test case.

        But again i have an issue with finding rows counts.

        i used obdriversheet.usedrange.rows.count which is giving me the row count of the whole excel shset till the end of data.

        but can you give me a code to find the last empty row count . before the next line starts.

         i tried obdriversheet.range('A" &rows.count).End(xlup).row am getting  unknow runtime error


        we are using VB script and obdriversheet is defined already. it is the excel and sheet we are using .