Forum Discussion

marinb's avatar
7 years ago

How to refresh this page?

So,for some reason, Internet Explorer creates a few extra blank pages on startup (or TestComplete thinks it does), but fortunately they are not visible, so I can filter on the actual visible page to properly work with. But now another problem popped up:


TestComplete seems to have difficulties keeping up to speed with how the actual page looks like. My web page is fully loaded with all the objects I want but I can't find them using a find action. When I pause and look in the Object Browser, the page I'm trying to find childobjects on is empty.


Sys.Refresh(), that page.Refresh(), a process refresh does not seem to work. How can I make TestComplete see the objects on this page other than manually clicking on 'Browser('iexplore') in the Object Explorer and then back on the correct page?



3 Replies

    • marinb's avatar

      This actually seems to be the solution! I'm now slowly removing all kinds of tricks&hacks to see if the tests keeps working!

      If not I will update this topic.



    • marinb's avatar

      Although the problems with IE are solved by this registry hack, it seems a similar problem is also present in Edge.


      A redirect seems to destroy the page object, so a function we made to keep checking the page.URL property until it has a certain value fails because after the redirect, the page is gone. This does not happen in IE or Chrome.


      I might be able a work around to keep finding all the child pages that are visible while inside the loop, but that seems like a cop out.


      WaitPage is not an option btw.