How to record dynamic object name- Keyword Test
- 6 years ago
So it seems like the mapping settings for that textnode contains redundancies to begin with, since contenttext, innertext, and outertext, are all the same. Before trying to wild card (*) out any of those identification settings, have you tried to look for any object properties that are static and unique that you might be able to use? (other than the properties that contain the dynamically generated numbers)
Also when you update the outerHTML property, i believe that you should use the * instead of ? such that :
<span data-am-translate="Question14.Draggable.*" data-am-translate-group="Question 14" data-wysiwyg="false">*</span>
but this may lead to some ambiguous recognition errors, if there are additional textnodes in that drag and drop portion of the applications that also fall into that mapping setting.