How to enter a linefeed into a variable for a Property Checkpoint
I have a project variable that I use to check against a value on a web page. The actual value contains a linefeed (I believe) as when I recorded the test the expected value was as, "Accession No:\n4031533211975680". I copied this value into the variable value in the variable editor. As the value is a multiline field it placed it on 2 lines and the "\n" was not shown. When I ran the test it failed and the the following appeared (note the missing "↴")
"Accession No:↴4031533211975680" |
"Accession No:4031533211975680" |
I edited the variable and added a "\n" and reran the test. Again it failed showed the following result.
"Accession No:↴4031533211975680" |
"Accession No:\n4031533211975680" |
I also tried using "\r\n" but still no success.
My questions are:
1) Is the "↴" shown in the actual a linefeed?
2) How do I put it into a variable to be used for a checkpoint as it is taking the \n a a string not an escape sequence?
Thanks, Alan
Hi Claddaghduff
Change the Condition of the checkpoint to "Matches (regular expression)" (or in Keyword edit, "cmpMatches"). This will allow TestComplete to pick up the \n escape character then.