7 years agoContributor
How to close (kill) the TestExecute process using commandline
I need to launch TestExecute / TestComplete through commandline, run a project and then close TestExecute/ TestComplete after the run. I'm able to launch and run the project, but I cannot closet the program afterwards.
I tried following command but it doesn't do anything.
Tasklill /im TestExecute.exe /t
Appreciate if someone can help me with this.
Thank you !
did you start command line as ...?
start "My Title" /wait TestComplete.exe "C:\Work\My Projects\MySuite.pjs" /run /exit /SilentMode
...will auto exist after compleating. (note start and exit command....)
if you need to forcefully search and kill TC instances can use
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq TestComplete.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "TestComplete.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" taskkill /F /IM "TestComplete.exe" /T
As NisHera suggested, running TestComplete/TestExecute from the commandline, if you include the /exit or /e switch, once the test run is completed, this will close the tool. This is the recommended way of doing so.