Forum Discussion

sumit_engineer's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

How To Close All IE Browsers Except ALM

How To Close All IE Browsers Except IE browser in which ALM or QC is  open .? 
  • Hi Sumit,


    Will the following code work for you?

    Function Close_AllBrowser


      Dim pages

      pages = Sys.Browser("iexplore").FindAllChildren("ObjectType", "Page", 2)

      For i=0 to UBound(pages)

        If aqString.Find(pages(i).LocationName, "Application Lifecycle Management") = -1 Then


        End If



    End Function


    The code checks all pages opened in IE and closes all except the one where Application Lifecycle Management is specified in the title.


10 Replies

  • Ryan_Moran's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    I was bored so wrote this function for you...

    Didn't fully test it or anything so you may modify as needed...enjoy...

    function main(){


     JScript example

     this will close all explorer pages that do not contain google or yahoo in their page name




    function closeIEPages(myBrowser,exclusionArray){

    if (!Sys.WaitBrowser(myBrowser).Exists){



    var browserArray = VBArray(Sys.FindAll('Name','*' + myBrowser + '*',1,true)).toArray();

    for (var browser = 0;browser < browserArray.length;browser++){

     var objectArray = VBArray(browserArray[browser].FindAll(['Name'],['*Page*'],1,true)).toArray();

     for (var object = 0;object < objectArray.length;object++){

      var excludeTab = false;

      for (var exclusion = 0;exclusion < exclusionArray.length;exclusion++){

       if (objectArray[object].Name.indexOf(exclusionArray[exclusion]) != -1){

        excludeTab = true;




      if (!excludeTab && objectArray[object].Exists){






  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Sumit,


    Will the following code work for you?

    Function Close_AllBrowser


      Dim pages

      pages = Sys.Browser("iexplore").FindAllChildren("ObjectType", "Page", 2)

      For i=0 to UBound(pages)

        If aqString.Find(pages(i).LocationName, "Application Lifecycle Management") = -1 Then


        End If



    End Function


    The code checks all pages opened in IE and closes all except the one where Application Lifecycle Management is specified in the title.


  • jose_pita's avatar
    Super Contributor
    In testcomplete using the object browser, check what is different in each IE opened, maybe the Page url is different or something...

    After that just write a script or a bat file that closes every IE except the one with the property you want.
  • sumit_engineer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Its not that easy as you have explained .

    Do you have a code that returns the URL of each open IE browser Session ?

    Even if we take a count of Open IE browesers ? how will you know the URL of each ?

    i dont see any Such property in test complete .
  • sumit_engineer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    The Reson why i say its not simple is : 

    1. it has to close tabs if present in the open IE sessions .

    2. sometimes when you Already have any broser session is open and then you invoke the tool it recognises it as window object .

    3. The code given above is in javascript and i only use vbscript in my project .

    4. i have wriiten a nice code in vbscript long back , it works fine in QTP , but when i tried to run it in test complete it dosnt work .

    5. I am aware that there is difference in syntax of passing the Description of the object in qtp and test complete and i have changed that too .

    6.but still dosn`t work  as  Desstop.childobjects  in qtp gives you all childobject  filter by all IE sessions , but no such method avalioble in tc ...

    '==================Original QTP Code==========================


    'Function Close_AllBrowser()


    'Set oBrowser = Description.Create

    'oBrowser("micclass").Value = "Window"

    'oBrowser("regexpwndtitle").Value = ".*Internet Explorer.*"


    'Set oDialog = Description.Create

    'oDialog("micclass").Value = "Dialog"

    'oDialog("text").Value = "Internet Explorer"

    'oDialog("is owned window").Value = "True"

    'oDialog("is child window").Value = "False"



    ' Set oBrowserList = Desktop.ChildObjects(oBrowser)


    ' Select Case oBrowserList.count 


    ' Case 0

    '     Case 1

    '  If Instr(oBrowserList(0).GetROProperty("text"), "Application Lifecycle Management") = 0 Then

    ' oBrowserList(0).Close

    ' wait(1)

    ' If oBrowserList(0).Dialog(oDialog).Exist(0) then 

    ' oBrowserList(0).Dialog(oDialog).WinCheckBox("text:=&Always close all tabs", "nativeclass:=Button").Set "ON"

    ' oBrowserList(0).Dialog(oDialog).WinButton("regexpwndtitle:=Close all &tabs", "text:=Close all &tabs").Click

    ' End if

    '    End if


    ' Case Else

    ' For index = 0 to oBrowserList.count-1

    '      If Instr(oBrowserList(index).GetROProperty("text"), "Application Lifecycle Management") = 0 Then

    ' oBrowserList(index).Close

    ' wait(1)

    ' If oBrowserList(index).Dialog(oDialog).Exist(0) then 

    ' oBrowserList(index).Dialog(oDialog).WinCheckBox("text:=&Always close all tabs", "nativeclass:=Button").Set "ON"

    ' oBrowserList(index).Dialog(oDialog).WinButton("regexpwndtitle:=Close all &tabs", "text:=Close all &tabs").Click

    ' End if

    '      End if

    ' Next


    ' End Select


    ' Set oBrowser =Nothing


    ' Set oDialog = Nothing 


    'End Function


    • sobhasris1980's avatar
      New Member

      I tried using the above said code, but its throwing me error (apologies, new to QTP, still learning stage)


      Object requied: 'Sys'


      can someone please help me


      Thanks in advance

      • sumit_engineer's avatar
        Occasional Contributor
        Hi , sys is a utility object used and understood by test compete only . wont work on QTP Sumit